Helmsman Auction at Bacchus Marsh Sunday 9th October 2011
Whats Coming ???
Phone Kerry [03] 9741 9705
or Email Jack
pavey1@optusnet.com.auToo early for bookings at the moment but to give you some idea of what to expect, a list of birds that were available at last auction..........
Ancona Bantams [Leading Exhibition Breeder],
Ancona Standard Black Trios [Leading Exhibition Breeder],
Aracuana Cross bred layers [blue eggs genetics],
Aracuana Purebred Standard Pullets [Blue Eggs]
Aracuana Young Cockerel [blue eggs genetics],
Australorp Bantam Pair Hens,
Australorp Bantam Purebred Breeding Pair,
Australorp Bantam Purebred Pullets,
Australorp Black Large Cockerel [Exhibition Line],
Australorp Black Large Pullets [Exhibition Line],
Australorp Blue Large Cockerel,
Australorp Standard Purebred Breeding Pair,
Australorp x New Hampshire vaccinated POL Pullets,
Australorp Young Pullets,
Backyard Point of Lay Pullets,
Barnevelder Double Laced Cockerel [Pure Bred],
Barnevelder Double Laced Hens [Pure Bred],
Barnevelder Pullets,
Barnevelder Young Cockerels Purebred leading bloodline,
Barnevelders Breeding Trios Purebred [Goodwin Bloodline],
Barnevelders Cockerels Purebred [Goodwin Bloodline],
Barnevelders Three Pullets Purebred [Goodwin Bloodline],
Belgian D’Uccle Lavender Ckl, Black Pullet,
Belgian D’Uccle Lavenders Purebred,
Belgian D’Uccle Millefleur Pullets,
Belgian D’Uccle x D'anver Black Pullets,
Belgian D’Uccle x D'anver Splash Cockerels,
Belgian D’Uccles Millefleur Bantams,
Belgian D’Uccles White Bantams,
Belgian D'uccle Blue Cockerel,
Belgian D'uccle Cockerels,
Belgian D'uccle x D'anver Blue Pullets,
Buff Orpingtons Cockerels Purebred,
Buff Orpingtons Pullets Purebred,
Buff Orpingtons Purebred Trios [Fennesky Bloodline S.A],
Buff Orpingtons Three Pullets Purebred [Fennesky Bloodline S.A],
Chicks 6 week old unsexed,
Cochins Buff,
Cochins Silver Crele Pair,
Crossbred Vaccinated Layers,
Crossbred Pullets,
Faverolles Salmon 8 week Pairs,
Faverolles Salmon Standard Cockerels,
Faverolles Salmon Standard Pullets,
Faverolles Std. Salmon Purebred Young Cockerels,
Faverolles Std. Salmon Purebred Young Pullets
Faverolles/Pekin cross Ckls,
Frizzles Purebred [Leading Exhibition Breeder]
Frizzles Young assorted colours,
Hamburg Silver Spangled Cockerels,
Hamburg Silver Spangled Purebred Cock Bird .
Hamburgs Golden Spangled,
Hamburgs Silver Spangled,
Indian Game Bantams Dark,
Indian Game Dark Standard Purebred Young Stock,
Indian Jubilee Large Purebred Young Stock,
Isa Brown Hens.
Japanese Bantams Black Tailed White Breeding Trio [Exhibition Line],
Japanese Bantams White Breeding Trio [Exhibition Line],
Japanese x Frizzle Pullets,
Japanese x Frizzle Cockerels,
Langshan Bantam Black Pair,
Leghorn Bantam Hens,
Leghorn Bantam White Trios,
Leghorn Bantams Black Purebreds,
Leghorn Bantams White,
Leghorn Cross Young Pullets,
Leghorn Pullets,
Leghorn White Standards [Leading Exhibition Breeder],
Leghorn x New Hampshire vaccinated POL Pullets,
Leghorns Std Purebred Black Cockerel,
Leghorns Std Purebred Black Pullets,
Leghorns Std Purebred Blue Cockerel,
Leghorns Std Purebred Blue Pullets,
Malay Game Standard Purebred Blue Red Cockerel,
Malay Game Standard Purebred Duckwing Cockerel,
Malay Game Standard Purebred Hen and Chicks,
Marans Cross Young Ckls [Dark Brown Eggs genetics],
Modern Game Bantam Black Red Cockerels,
Modern Game Bantam Pile Breeding Trio,
Modern Game Bantam Black Red Breeding Trio,
Modern Game Bantam Pile Cockerels,
Modern Game Standard Purebred Blue Hen,
Modern Game Standard Purebred Chicks,
Modern Game Standard Purebred Red Black Male,
New Hampshire Standard Purebred Pullets,
Old English Game Bantams [Reputable Exhibition Bloodlines]
Old English Game Large (Various Colours),
Old English Game Standard Black,
Old English Game Standard Purebred Pullets,
Old English Game Standard Yellow Dun,
Pekin Bantam Black Cockerel Show Quality,
Pekin Bantam Buff Columbian Pair,
Pekin Bantam Coloured Trios Purebred,
Pekin Bantam Gold Birchen Pair,
Pekin Bantam Pair Cuckoo Male & Black Female,
Pekin Bantam Pullets Assorted Colours,
Pekin Bantam White Hens Show Quality,
Pekin Bantam/Frizzle assorted colour Cockerels,
Pekin Bantam/Frizzle Cream Pullet,
Pekin Bantam/Frizzle Lavender Pullet,
Pekin Bantams Young Multi-coloured,
Pekin Black Hens Show Quality,
Pekin Black Pullets Show Quality,
Pekin Cross Silkie Pullets,
Pekin Pair Black Pullets [with an Optional Barred Ckl]
Pekin White Hens Show Quality,
Pekin White Pullets Show Quality,
Pekin Young Bantams Assorted Colours,
Plymouth Rock Bantams,
Plymouth Rock Hen,
Plymouth Rock Large Pairs,
Plymouth Rock Large Purebred,
Plymouth Rock Std Dark Barred Cockerels,
Plymouth Rock Trio,
Plymouth Rock Trio,
Polish Chicks,
Polish Cockerel Young Blue,
Polish Cockerel Young White,
Rhode Island Red Bantam Cockerel Show Bloodline,
Rhode Island Red Bantam Cockerel,
Rhode Island Red Bantam Pair Pullets Show Bloodline,
Rhode Island Red Bantam POL Pullets,
Rhode Island Red Bantam Pullets,
Rhode Island Red Purebred Std. Trio,
Rhode Island Red Rosecomb Bantam Breeding Trio,
Rhode Island Red Standard Cockerels,
Rhode Island Red Standard Pullets,
Rhode Island Red Standard Purebred Cockerels,
Rhode Island Red Standard Purebred Pullets
Rhode Island Red Standards [Leading Exhibition Breeder],
Sebright Silver several very young pairs.
Silkie Breeding Pair White and Silver.
Silkie Chicks 6 week old,
Silkie Cockerel Black,
Silkie Cockerel Partridge,
Silkie Cockerel White,
Silkie Hens,
Silkie Pullets Black,
Silkie Pullets Partridge,
Silkie Pullets White.
Silkies 14 Weeks Assorted Colours,
Silkies Assorted Colours Young Show Quality,
Silkies Black Purebred,
Silkies Buff Purebred,
Silkies Pet Quality,
Silkies White Purebred,
Silkies Young Assorted,
Sussex Buff Purebred Breeding Trio,
Sussex Buff,
Sussex Light Bantams,
Sussex Light Cockerels,
Sussex Light Pullet Pairs,
Sussex Light P.O.L. Pullets,
Sussex Light Std. Breeding Trio Purebred Shirami Bloodline S.A,
Sussex Light Std. pens of three Pullets Purebred Shirami Bloodline S.A,
Sussex Light Young Cockerels,
Sussex Light Young Pullets,
Sussex Silver Utility Cockerels,
Sussex Silver Utility Pullets,
Sussex Silver,
Sussex Speckled Pullets,
Sussex Speckled Std. Breeding Trio Purebred,
Sussex Speckled Young Cockerel,
Sussex Speckled Young Pullets,
Sussex Speckled Young Purebreds,
Sussex Standard Light first year Hens,
Welsummer Purebred Breeding Trio,
Welsummer Purebred Pair,
Wyandotte Bantam Backyarders,
Wyandotte Bantam Cross White Pullet,
Wyandotte Bantam Gold Laced Pullets,
Wyandotte Bantam Pullets (non standard colours),
Wyandotte Bantam White Purebred Pair,
Wyandotte Bantam White Trio Show Quality,
Wyandotte Bantams unusual colours.
Wyandotte Columbian Bantams,
Wyandotte Gold Laced Bantams,
Wyandotte Gold Laced Purebred Standard Pullets,
Wyandotte Hen and Chicks.
Wyandotte Silver Laced Purebred Standard Pullets,
Wyandotte Standard Purebred Blue Laced Golds,
Wyandotte Standard Purebred Cuckoos,
Wyandotte Standard White Purebred Pair,
Fertile Eggs
Mixed Breeds Fertile Eggs,
Pekin Bantam Fertile Eggs,
Silkie Fertile Eggs,
Sussex Speckled Fertile Eggs,
Wyandotte Silver Laced Fertile Eggs,
Buff Orpington Ducks,
Call Ducks Pair Brown,
Cayuga Ducks Purebred,
Indian Runner Ducklings,
Indian Runner Pair,
Indian Runner Young Pairs Coloured,
Indian Runners Assorted Colours,
Indian Runners Chocolate Young stock,
Indian Runners Harlequin,
Indian Runners White,
Indian Runners White/Choc Young stock,
Indian Runners Young Pairs White,
Khaki Campbell Ducks,
Khaki Campbell White and Dark Pair,
Muscovy Bronze Duck,
Muscovy Drakes,
Muscovy Ducks,
Muscovy Young Drake Speckled,
Pekin Ducks Purebred,
Pekin Waterfowl Crossbred Pair,
Guinea Fowl
Guinea Fowl Males,
Guinea Fowl Females
Young Quails,
Turkey Male.
Cage 3’ x 3’ x 6’,
A Frame Steel [Flat Pack] 3’ x 3’ x 8’,
A Frames Wooden [Flat Pack] 3’ x 3’ x 7’,
Incubator Fan Forced 30 Egg,
Incubator Smart 162 Egg,
Incubator Smart 81 Egg,
Rabbits Mini Lop Pet Quality,
Rabbits Mini Lop Show Quality,
Bookings still being taken
These birds are only some that we have been advised are for auction on day. Many vendors book pens but don't inform stock coming, so any breed could turn up on Auction Day !
More added as advised, so keep checking.
Please note:
Vendors are encouraged to list birds or items they intend to bring.
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