Footscray & District Poultry Club Inc.
Helmsman Auction Sunday 14th October 2012
Harness Track, Racecourse & Recreation Reserve,
Balliang - Bacchus Marsh Rd. (Opposite Kerrs Rd.) Bacchus Marsh,
Melway Map 333 A12
Pavilion Open…Vendors 8.00am…Buyers from 9.30am
Fundraiser for Footscray & District Poultry Club Inc. Sussex Club of Australia Inc. (local not for profit community group, totally ran by volunteers)
All profits go towards continual improvement of our Pavilion and towards ensuring the preservation of Australia’s rare and endangered poultry gene pool.
Standard Pens $4.00 (Max 3 Birds)
Bantam Pens $3.00 (Max 3 Birds)
Outdoor Stall Sites $20.00 (All Poultry related goods welcome)
Fertile Eggs $3.00 (no limit on Dozens per lot)
No Commission Charges !!..... No Buyer Premium !!
Sausage Sizzle, Hot and Cold Drinks available.
Take a break in our comfortable Dining Hall section of the pavilion, for a cuppa and chat.
On the way home by 1.00 pm
Speak directly with Breeders/Sellers…… Get breeders advice and direct knowledge of stock on offer.
Lots of purebred stock from leading Victorian and Interstate Poultry Breeders, along with a great assortment of Backyard and Pet quality birds.
Meet the breeders/vendors, wearing identity stickers, and in the vicinity of their birds, ready to answer your questions.
All Info:
http://www.marshchooks.webs.comLatest List of bookings.
Ancona Bantam Cockerel,
Aracuana Black 6-7 Week Old Chicks,
Araucana Black Breeding Trio,
Araucana Cockerel (Coloured Egg Genetics),
Araucana Grey Cockerel Lav Pullet Pair,
Araucana Lavender Cockerel,
Araucana Mixed Colours,
Araucana Standard Young Cockerels,
Araucana Standard Young Pullets,
Araucana x Silkie Pullet,
Australorp Bantam Black Chicks,
Australorp Bantam Black Hens,
Australorp Bantam Blue Chicks,
Australorp Bantam Young Pullets,
Australorp Bantams Black Cockerels,
Australorp Bantams Black Pullets,
Australorp Black Large Cockerel,
Australorp Black Large Pullets,
Australorp Black Standard Cockerel,
Australorp Cross Bantam 12 week old Pullets,
Australorp Cross Pullets,
Australorp Pullets Bantam,
Australorp Splash Bantam Pullets,
Australorp Standard Black Young Pullets,
Australorp Standard Cockerels (Show Quality),
Australorps Bantam Blue Cockerels,
Australorps Bantam Blue Pullets,
Australorps Bantam Splash Cockerels,
Australorps Bantam Splash Pullets,
Backyard Point of Lay Pullets,
Barnevelder Blue Standard Young Cockerel,
Barnevelder D/L Standard Pullets,
Barnevelder D/Laced Standard Young Cockerels,
Barnevelder D/Laced Standard Young Pullets,
Barnevelder Pullets (Show Quality),
Barnevelder Standard Cockerel (Geering Bloodline),
Barnevelder Standard Pullets POL,
Barnevelder Std Cockerel (Show Quality),
Belgian D‘Anvers Quail [Exhibition Bloodline],
Belgian D‘Uccles Bantams White Pairs,
Belgian D‘Uccles White [Exhibition Bloodline],
Belgian D’Uccle Millefleur Pullet,
Belgian X Sebright Young Trio,
Brahma (Nat. Champ) X Cochin Std Crele X Part. Pullets,
Chicks 5 week old unsexed,
Cross Breed Layer 12 week old Pullet,
Crossbed Layers 4 weeks old,
Crossbred Broody with Chicks,
Crossbred Layer Pullets 8 weeks old,
Crossbred Layer Standard Hens,
Crossbred Pullets,
Crossbred Young Chicks,
Crossed Wyandotte White Standard Breeding Pair,
Faverolles Red Hen,
Faverolles Salmon Bantam Pullet,
Faverolles Salmon Trio backyard quality (all less than 12mths old),
Faverolles Salmon Young Cockerel,
Frizzle x Pekins,
Frizzles Purebred,
Hamburg Black Standard Cockerels,
Hamburg Black Standard Pullets,
Hamburg Standard Black Hens,
Hamburg Standard Blue Pullets,
Hamburg Standard Silver Spangled Pullets,
Indian Game Dark Standard Purebred Young Stock,
Indian Jubilee Large Purebred Young Stock,
ISA Brown Cross Cockerels,
ISA Brown Hens,
Jap X Silkie,
Jap X Sussex,
Leghorn Blue Standard Cockerel,
Leghorn Blue Standard Pullets,
Leghorn Brown Standard Cockerel,
Leghorn Cross Bantam 12 week old Pullets,
Leghorn Cross Bantam 8 week old Pullets,
Leghorn Standard White Cockerel,
Leghorn White Bantams,
Leghorn White POL Pullets,
Malay Standard Hen,
Minorca Standard Pullets,
Mixed Breed Bantam Young (8 wks) Chicks,
Modern Game Bantam Duckwing Pair,
Modern Game Bantam Partridge Pullet Pairs,
Modern Game Bantam Pile Pullet Pairs,
Modern Game Bantams Black Red Pairs (David Hughes Bloodline),
Modern Game Bantams Black Tailed Pullets (David Hughes Bloodline),
Modern Game Bantams Crele Pairs (David Hughes Bloodline),
Modern Game Bantams Duckwing Pairs (David Hughes Bloodline),
Modern Game Bantams Ginger Pairs (David Hughes Bloodline),
Modern Game Bantams Wheaten Pullets (David Hughes Bloodline),
Modern Game Bantams White Tailed Pullets (David Hughes Bloodline),
New Hampshire Pullets,
New Hampshire X Australorp P.O.L. Pullets (Vaccinated),
New Hampshire X Leghorn P.O.L. Pullets (Vaccinated),
Old English Game Bantam Bl/Tailed Wheaten Pullets (David Hughes Bloodline),
Old English Game Bantam Black Red Cockerels (David Hughes Bloodline),
Old English Game Bantam Duckwing Cockerels (David Hughes Bloodline),
Old English Game Bantam Duckwing Plts and Hens (David Hughes Bloodline),
Old English Game Bantam Ginger Cockerels (David Hughes Bloodline),
Old English Game Bantam Ginger Females (David Hughes Bloodline),
Old English Game Bantam Ginger Pullets,
Old English Game Bantam Partridge Females (David Hughes Bloodline),
Old English Game Bantam Partridge Plts and Hens (David Hughes Bloodline),
Old English Game Bantam Silver Duckwing Cockerels,
Old English Game Bantam Spangle Pullets,
Old English Game Bantam Wheaton Plts and Hens (David Hughes Bloodline),
Old English Game Bantam Wheatons,
Old English Game Ginger Bantams,
Old English Game Standard Black Pullets,
Old English Game Standard Black Red Pairs,
Old English Game Standard Golden Duckwing Trios (Exhibition Bloodline),
Old English Game Standard Grey Pullets,
Old English Game Standard Spangle Pairs,
Old English Game Std Br/Red Breeding Pairs(Leading Breeder),
Old English Game Std Dun Breeding Pairs(Leading Breeder),
Orpington Black Standard Cockerels Show Quality,
Orpington Black Standard Pullets POL Show Quality,
Orpington Blue Standard Pullet (Leading Breeder),
Orpington Buff Bantam (Proven Exhibition Bloodline) Trio,
Orpington Buff Bantam Pullets (Exhibition Bloodline),
Orpington Buff Bantams (Leading Breeder),
Orpington Buff Standard (Exhibition Bloodline) Cockerels,
Orpington Buff Standard (Exhibition Bloodline) Pullets,
Orpington Buff Standard Hens Show Quality,
Orpington Buff Standard Pullets POL Show Quality,
Orpington Standard Lemon Cuckoo (Exhibition Bloodline) Cockerels,
Orpington Std Blue Ckl Splash Hens (Exhibition Bloodline) Trio,
Orpington White Standard Hens (Leading Breeder),
Pekin Bantam Black Pairs,
Pekin Bantam,
Pekin Birchen Quality Pairs,
Pekin Black (Exhibition Bloodline) Cockerel,
Pekin Black Purebred Quality Pullets,
Pekin Black X Mottle (Exhibition Bloodline) Pullets,
Pekin Blue Pairs,
Pekin Buff Purebred Breeding Pair,
Pekin Cockerels,
Pekin Columbian Purebred Breeding Pair,
Pekin Lavender Cockerels,
Pekin Lavender Pullets,
Pekin Mottled Male Birchen Hen Breeding Pair,
Pekin Pullets,
Pekin Red Black Purebred Quality Cockerel,
Pekin White Cockerels,
Pekin White Pullets,
Pekin White Quality Pairs,
Pekin Young Cockerel,
Pit Game Bantam Black Pairs (David Hughes Bloodline),
Pit Game Bantam Black Trios (David Hughes Bloodline),
Pit Game Bantam Brown Red Pairs (David Hughes Bloodline),
Pit Game Bantam Brown Red Trios (David Hughes Bloodline),
Plymouth Rock Dark Barred Cockerels,
Plymouth Rock Dark Barred Hens,
Plymouth Rock Dark Barred Pullets,
Plymouth Rock Dark Barred Trio,
Plymouth Rock Pullet,
Plymouth Rock Standard Dark Barred Pair,
Plymouth Rock White Standard Cockerel,
Plymouth Rock White Standard Pullets,
Plymouth Rock Young Chicks,
Point of Lay Pullets,
Polish Standard Cockerels,
Polish Standard Pullets,
Polish White Crested Black Pair,
Rhode Island Red Bantam POL Pullets,
Rhode Island Red Bantam Pullet,
Rhode Island Red Bantam S/Comb Cockerels (Leading Breeder),
Rhode Island Red Bantam S/Comb Pullets (Leading Breeder),
Rhode Island Red Purebred Cockerels,
Rhode Island Red Purebred Pullets,
Rhode Island Red Purebred Stock (unsexed),
Rhode Island Red Rose Comb Bantam Cockerels,
Rhode Island Red Rose Comb Bantam Pullets,
Rhode Island Red Rose Comb Standard Cockerels(Leading Breeder),
Rhode Island Red Rose Comb Standard Pullets(Leading Breeder),
Rhode Island Red Standard Cockerel,
Rhode Island Red Standard Hens,
Rhode Island Red Standard Utility Pullets (Barter),
Rosecomb Bantam Black Cockerels,
Rosecomb Bantam Black Pullets,
Sebright Golden Bantam Chicks,
Sebright Golden Cockerel,
Sebright Silver Bantam Chicks,
Silkie Bearded Assorted Colours Pullets,
Silkie Black Pullets Excellent Quality,
Silkie Black Standard Young Cockerels,
Silkie Black Standard Young Pullets,
Silkie Blue Black Pom-Pom Young Pullets,
Silkie Blue Black Standard Young Cockerels,
Silkie Buff Standard Young Cockerels,
Silkie Buff Standard Young Pullets,
Silkie Chicks (6weeks old) mixed colours,
Silkie Chicks,
Silkie Standard Young Cockerels,
Silkie Standard Young Pullets,
Silkies Grey Pullets Excellent Quality,
Silkies Mixed Colours,
Silkies Pet Quality,
Silkies Red Pullets Excellent Quality,
Silkies White Cockerels Excellent Quality,
Silkies White Pullets Excellent Quality,
Silkies White,
Silkies Young Pullets,
Silver Dorking Bantam Cockerel,
Sussex Bantam Light Cockerels (Leading Breeder),
Sussex Bantam Light Pullets (Leading Breeder),
Sussex Bantam White Pullets,
Sussex Buff Chicks (dependant on availability),
Sussex Buff Standard Breeding Trio,
Sussex Buff Standard Pair of Pullets,
Sussex Buff Standard Trio (Pullets and Cockerel),
Sussex Coronation Standard Cockerels,
Sussex Coronation Standard Hens,
Sussex Coronation Standard Pullets,
Sussex Light Bantams,
Sussex Light Cockerels,
Sussex Light Pullet,
Sussex Light Standard Cockerels,
Sussex Light Standard Hens,
Sussex Light Standard Pullets,
Sussex Light Young Cockerels,
Sussex Speckled Standard Hens,
Sussex Standard Red Cockerel,
Sussex Standard Red recent start to lay Pullets,
Transylvanian Naked Necks Standard 2-3 month Chicks,
Transylvanian Naked Necks Standard Black Pullet Pairs,
Transylvanian Naked Necks Standard White/Blue Trio,
Welsummer Pullets 8 weeks old,
Wyandotte Silver Laced Pullets Excellent Quality,
Wyandotte Silver Laced Standards (Leading Breeder),
Wyandotte Standard Golden Laced POL Pullet,
Wyandotte Standard Pullets POL,
Wyandotte Standard Silver Laced Young Cockerels,
Wyandotte Standard Silver Laced Young Pullets,
Wyandotte Standard White Young Pullets,
Wyandotte White Bantam Hen (Leading Breeder),
Wyandotte White Bantams (Leading Breeder),
Wyandotte White Standard Breeding Pair (Leading Breeder),
Fertile Eggs
Araucana Black Fertile Eggs,
Araucana Brown Fertile Eggs,
Araucana Mixed Colours Fertile Eggs,
Araucana Lavender Fertile Eggs,
Australorp Fertile Eggs,
Australorp Black Standard Fertile Eggs,
Barnevelder Standard D/L Fertile Eggs,
Belgian D‘Anvers Fertile Eggs,
Belgian D‘Uccles Bantams Fertile Eggs,
Dorking Silver Grey Bantam Fertile Eggs,
French Wheaton Marans Fertile Eggs,
Leghorn Mixed Fertile Eggs,
Mixed Breeds Fertile Eggs,
Orpington Buff Standard Laced Fertile Eggs,
Pekin Fertile Eggs,
Rhode Island Red Standard Fertile Eggs,
Sussex Bantam White Fertile Eggs,
Sussex Bantam Red Fertile Eggs,
Sussex Buff Fertile Eggs,
Sussex Light Standard Fertile Eggs,
Sussex Speckled Fertile Eggs,
Wyandotte Gold Laced Fertile Eggs,
Wyandotte Gold Laced Fertile Eggs,
Wyandotte Silver Laced Fertile Eggs,
Wyandotte Standard Blue Laced Gold Fertile Eggs,
Wyandotte Standard Blue Laced Silver Fertile Eggs,
Wyandotte Standard Buff Laced Fertile Eggs,
Wyandotte Standard Silver Laced Fertile Eggs,
Guinea Fowl
Guinea Fowl Pearl,
Guinea Fowl Pearl Young Keets,
Guinea Fowl Pearl Pied Pairs,
Guinea Fowl Lavender Pairs,
Bronze Male
Call Ducks Excellent Quality,
Cayuga Young Ducks,
Chinese Brown Goslings,
Chinese Geese month old Goslings,
Chinese Geese Pair,
Cross Breed Ducklings crested,
Cross Breed Ducklings,
Farmyard Geese Young Goslings,
Indian Runner (5 Week old) Ducklings,
Indian Runner Black Breeding Pairs,
Indian Runner Pair Non Std Colour,
Indian Runner Young Ducklings,
Khaki Campbell Pair,
Mallard Normal Pair Ducks Excellent Quality,
Muscovy Black/White Pair,
Muscovy Black/White Trio,
Muscovy Bronze/White Pair,
Muscovy Bronze/White Trio,
Muscovy Young Ducklings,
Pekin (5 Week old) Ducklings,
Pekin Drake,
Roman Tufted Goslings,
Rouen Pairs,
Rouen Trios,
Mini Lops,
Bantam Coops,
Drinker Stands,
Guinea Pig Hutches,
Hen Coops,
Rabbit Hutches,
Stockfeed Bagged Wheat & Grains,
Treadle Feeders,
Wall Hung Hoppers,
All Info/details:
http://www.marshchooks.webs.comStill a few pens