Poultry Sale [Helmsman Auction]
Sunday 9th October, 2011
Poultry Pavilion Bacchus Marsh
Racecourse Recreation Reserve
Auction starts 11.30am Final Bids by 12.30pm
Layers, Pets, and breeding poultry on offer.
Buy 2 or 3 chooks for the backyard.
Bidders Number: $2.00 after 9.00am.
Arrive in time to have a good look at all stock for auction and speak face to face to Breeder/Seller.
Fundraiser for Footscray & District Poultry Club Inc. Sussex Club of Australia Inc.
All profits go to our Poultry Club and Pavilion.
Bookings: Large Pen[Lot] $4.00 [Max 3 birds] Btm Pen $3.00
No Commission Charges !!..... On the way home by 2.00p.m
Speak directly with Breeders/Sellers…… Get breeders input.
Info Link:
http://www.marshchooks.webs.com Lots of purebred stock from leading Poultry Breeders,
Many interstate stud breeders attending.
Meet the breeders/vendors, wearing identity stickers, and in the vicinity of their birds, ready to answer your questions.
Few birds booked in already, but still early many more to come !!!
Ancona Bantams,
Ancona Standard Pullets [laying and POL],
Ancona Standards,
Australorp Bantam Young Pullets,
Australorp Black Large Pullets,
Australorp Black Young Cockerel [Exhibition Line],
Australorp Standard Black Young Pullets,
Australorp Black Large Cockerel,
Backyard Point of Lay Pullets,
Barnevelder Double Laced POL Pullets,
Barnevelder Standard Cockerels,
Barnevelder Standard Pullets,
Belgian D’Uccle mixed colours,
Chicks 6 week old unsexed,
Cross bred Chicks,
Cross bred layers POL,
Crossbred Pullets,
Hamburg Silver Spangled Standards,
Indian Game Dark Standard Purebred Young Stock,
Indian Jubilee Large Purebred Young Stock,
Layers Mixed,
Leghorns Blue,
Minorca Layers,
Minorca Pullets POL,
Minorca Standard Black Cockerel,
Modern Game Black Red Bantams [Show Quality],
Modern Game Pile Bantams [Show Quality],
Old English Game Bantams mixed colours,
Orpington Buff Standard Pair,
Orpingtons Young,
Pekin Bantam Pair,
Pekin Bantam Pullets Assorted Colours,
Pekin Bantams Black Pullets [Show Quality],
Pekin Bantams Furnace Pullets [Show Quality],
Pekin Bantams White Pullets [Show Quality],
Plymouth Rock Hen,
Point of Lay Pullets,
Rhode Island Red Standard Cockerels,
Rhode Island Red POL Pullets,
Rhode Island Red Young Pullets,
Silkies [very young],
Silkies Assorted Colours Young Show Quality,
Silkies Buff,
Silkies White,
Silver Spangled Hamburg Trio,
Silver Sussex Standard [Qld, SA, NSW lines] ,
Sussex Buff Pair,
Sussex Buff Standards,
Sussex Light Bantams,
Sussex Light Cockerels,
Sussex Light P.O.L. Pullets,
Sussex Light Pullet Pairs,
Sussex Light Standards [M.Goodwin Line] ,
Sussex Light Young Cockerels,
Sussex Light Young Pullets,
Sussex Speckled Standards,
Wyandotte Pair Silver Laced Stds,
Wyandotte Silver Laced Std Cockerels,
Wyandotte Silver Laced Std Pullets,
Wyandotte White Std Pullet [Silver Laced Sport],
Fertile Eggs
Mixed Breeds Fertile Eggs,
Silkies Mixed Fertile Eggs,
Wyandotte Silver Laced Fertile Eggs,
Sussex Light Fertile Eggs,
Barnevelder Fertile Eggs,
Buff Orpington Pair,
Cayuga’s Pair,
Indian Runner Ducklings,
Indian Runner Young Pairs Coloured,
Indian Runner Young Pairs,
Indian Runners Assorted Colours,
Indian Runners Purebred Cinnamon Breeding Stock,
Rouen Ducks Show Quality,
Swedish Blue Pair,